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We pass by signs every day and most people don’t even realize how many signs they overlook daily. Here at James River Signs we do not want that for our customers. We want every sign we make (and that our customers buy) to be an eye-catcher – because a sign really is more than just your name.

What is a Projecting Sign?

Projecting signs are a great way to catch a passerby’s attention and convey a message about a business that stands out (literally) from the rest of the signs that fill the streets. There are many options for projecting signs. These signs differ from wall mounted panels that are more traditionally used. Instead of being mounted flat against a surface they are projected from that surface and are visible from multiple directions instead of just being forward facing. They are attached to the building front using brackets that are customizable based on what a customer is looking for. There are a variety of looks from classic to modern that can be selected from for the brackets that support the sign. The sign faces themselves can also be customized as desired with a wide variety of colors, fonts, textures, and images.

When to use a Projecting Sign?

Projecting signs are perfect for crowded areas with lots of signs, areas with lots of pedestrians or traffic, or even inside of businesses where important information is being displayed. They can be used to indicate where important or less conspicuous rooms are located within a building so that customers don’t have a hard time finding where they need to go.  For example, many businesses choose to use projecting restroom signs so that their customers can locate their restroom efficiently.  Many downtown businesses also opt for their storefronts to have projecting signs so that pedestrians don’t have to guess at what location they are approaching. Projecting signs will benefit restaurants, downtown businesses, law firms, and really any business that wants to make a visual impact.

Contact Us

If you think that a projecting sign would be a good fit for your business, please give us a call at (757)-598-4036.