Different types of identification signs are designed for use with building interiors and exteriors. The use of these signs can help staff members and visitors alike to easily find what they are looking for.
Especially at high-traffic buildings, people are often in search of restrooms, entrances and exits. By having identification signs strategically situated in key spots, those in search of various locations and services will be able to find them quickly.
At an office building, for example, the first things that most people look for are signs identifying where the elevators and certain offices are located. Knowing where the stairways are located is another important thing for people everywhere.
In the interests of brand awareness and name recognition, different types of identification signs can be customized to suit the needs of any type of business.
When a business cultivates and grows a company slogan or logo, or has distinct colors or images associated with it, it can have those marketing tools imprinted on all sorts of identification signs. When customers see that a company cares enough to have their brand ID communicated on useful signs, it represents stability and forward-thinking within the company.
At a regional hotel chain, for instance, the management could have their logo printed on all of the exterior room number signs, as well as on signs that designate where the check-in desk, elevators, refreshment areas, fire extinguishers, copier machines and exercise rooms are located.
In a convenience store, the signs that differentiate where specific food and beverage items, ATM machines and hours of operation are, can feature images of the store’s slogan or logo.
Exterior identification signs not only let people know the physical location of a business, but they commonly list the names of all the building’s tenants.
As with interior identification signs, exterior signs can be affixed in numerous ways. Sometimes, pole signs work best, while monument signs or signs using channel letters are other popular choices. The use of energy efficient, LED lighting in identification signs is very effective, and has been steadily increasing.
Regardless of the type of business, it is always in the best interest of all concerned, to clearly identify where all on-site services are located. By doing so, customers will be much more likely to patronize that business in the future.