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Churches that are looking for a way to let the community know about upcoming events or attract new members will find that church signs are an excellent way to do so. Whether it is a new church building or the facility is looking to update current signage, there are many options from which to choose when it comes to church signs.

Monument Church Signs
Monument signs present the opportunity to create a classic entrance to church facilities. These signs are often designed to reflect the same architectural style of the building and are a great way to create a beautiful and memorable first impression of any church.

Post and Panel Church Signs
Post and panel church signs offer the benefits of versatility and economy. These signs may be custom shaped or crafted from aluminum or wood. It’s even possible to create smaller directional or wayfinding signs to complement entrance signage.

Digital Church Displays
Digital displays are completely programmable while providing attention-grabbing messages and graphics that will certainly catch the interest of anyone passing by. With these signs, it’s possible to announce times for services, special events, and other functions. LED church signs make it possible to get the message out to anyone who happens to pass by around the clock. Thanks to a vibrant and full-color display, these signs make it possible to not only keep the congregation continually updated about church events but to also attain the outreach goals of the church by presenting service times, scripture, and pre-scheduled messages.

Hanging Banners
Hanging church banners are an excellent option when churches want to advertise special events and programs. A single sided banner could be used to welcome guests, but a fabric banner would also be a great way to let the community know about everything from bake sales to seasonal events. Although lightweight, hanging banners offer tremendous impact.

Given that many new church members first base their decision on whether to visit a church based on the outdoor signage of a church, it’s certainly a good idea to choose the right signage. By offering a welcoming appearance through signage, churches can take advantage of the opportunity to expand their membership growth.